Syncing ZenHub pipelines with Github issue labels

What’s the point?

ZenHub doesn’t support syncing pipeline status back to Github labels by default. Since you might require this functionality in your project management workflow, they provide an API allowing you to do it yourself.

ZenHub is missing one key feature in my humble opinion: the ability to sync the ZenHub “status” back with Github. By this I mean the ZenHub-specific features that Github does not yet have, like the current pipeline of an issue.

But who would use this? In another article, I wrote about being able to sync Github issues with Google Sheets in order to run some reporting on that data to share with other stakeholders in the company. I also wrote about how to pull in the current ZenHub estimate into Google Sheets, and noted in that article that ZenHub API limits are pretty low, so you’ll frequently run into them when working with a large(ish) amount of issues.

I needed to sync the current ZenHub pipeline with that sheet in order to provide more specific reporting, but was aware of this issue with API limits and thought it wouldn’t work very well. So I arrived at this solution! Just sync the current pipeline (only the ones I’m interested in) back with Github through labels, and then sync those labels to Google Sheets using the script I’ve already written.

So that’s what we’ll do here. Let’s get started:

Setting up the stack

First things first, let’s make sure you have a Github token ready for use. If you followed along with my article on syncing Github issues with Google Sheets, you’ll already have one handy. If not, no worries. Head to Github, then go to Settings → Developer Settings → Personal Access Tokens and generate yourself a new access token. Make sure to enable the repo permission, and that’s all we really need. Keep this handy, because we’ll be needing it later.

Vendor Lock-in Warning!

This repository was created (and this blog post was written) with AWS CloudFormation in mind, so all dependencies will be deployed through AWS. I might have a need to create a Docker-based alternative in the future, but in the meantime a PR is welcome if you tackle the issue yourself.

Let’s get started with the AWS template. Go ahead and click this link to launch a new CloudFormation template with the code we need. Once you do, you’ll be taken to AWS. Everything is already filled in for you on the first step, so go ahead and immediately click Next.

Give your stack a funky-fresh original name at the top, and then let’s check out our parameters. We’ve got a debug parameter, a place for our Github token, and a place to specify which pipelines to use.

For the debug parameter, if you want to enable debug mode (it creates a decent amount of log entries so be careful not to have it on all the time), just put cloudformation-zenhub-github-label in this field.

For the Github token parameter, paste in the Github token you created (or already had written down) earlier.

Finally, the pipelines parameter is special. Put a comma-separated list of the pipeline names you want to “watch.” If a pipeline is “watched,” any time an issue moves into the pipeline, a Github label is created with a zh: prefix indicating the pipeline the issue is currently in. When the issue moves out of that pipeline, the label is removed.

So let’s go through an example. You’ve got three pipelines: Todo, Working, and Done. In this parameter, you’ve provided “Todo,Working” as the value. Here’s what happens:

  • If you create an issue and put it in the Todo pipeline, this script will create a label called zh:Todo and add it to the issue.
  • If you move that issue to the Working pipeline, the script will remove the zh:Todo label, create a new one called zh:Working and attach it to the issue.
  • Finally, if you move it from Working to Done, the script will remove the zh:Working label. It will not create a zh:Done label because you didn’t include “Done” in the list of pipelines to watch.

With all that out of the way, hit Next at the bottom-right corner of the page. Here you can add some extra tags or any other information to your stack, but nothing here is required so let’s hit Next again at the bottom.

Again, nothing super important on this page; just reviewing the stuff we’re about to create. Check the three boxes inside the blue box at the bottom of the page, and then click Create stack.

Wait a few minutes for the magic to happen, and then we’ll setup our connection with ZenHub!

Connecting to ZenHub

Now we’ve got a stack deployed! But there’s a rub: we don’t have any way for ZenHub to tell the stack that an issue has moved to another pipeline.

Thankfully, ZenHub has support for Webhooks inside their API! The stack we just created has an Output that contains the API Gateway endpoint we’re going to give to ZenHub as the webhook endpoint.

What’s an output?

An output is a way to retrieve information from CloudFormation. Normally they’re used so stacks can communicate with one another, but I found it to be a nice and easy way to have the API Gateway endpoint printed exactly how we should be giving it to ZenHub.

To get our output, go to the Outputs tab toward the top of the page when viewing your stack. There should be one output listed: “APIEndpoint”

Copy the link inside the Value column to your clipboard, we’ll be needing that in a minute.

Now, head to ZenHub. Click on your account in the bottom-left corner of the screen, and then click Manage Organizations in the pop-up menu. On the page you should have been taken to, click on Slack & Integrations in the left-hand sidebar.

Under the Integrations section, inside the Select the service: field, select Custom. Then, search for the name of the repository containing the issues you want to sync the pipelines for.

Each integration only supports one repository.

If you have multiple repositories you need to sync, just repeat these steps for each one. You can use the same “APIEndpoint” output for each one as the Lambda function is smart enough to update the correct issue in the correct repository.

Once you’ve got your repository selected, give your integration a nice descriptive name, and then paste the “APIEndpoint” value you copied to your clipboard earlier into the Webhook URL field.

Click Add Integration and you’re good to go!

You’ve done it!

You should have a working setup automatically syncing ZenHub pipelines with Github issue labels (and hopefully Google Sheets later). Give it a quick test by dragging an issue in between your pipelines, and in a few seconds you should see the label show up.

This was last updated on August 12, 2020

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Sam Marks

Sam Marks is a developer, designer, and entrepreneur. He’s worked on several teams (and started a few!), helping to bring ideas to life through code and pixels. He lives with his fiancé in Kentucky.

Sam Marks

Developer and Designer from Lexington, KY

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