Automatically syncing Github issues with Google Sheets

What’s the point?

In an organization, sometime other members on your time will need access to the state of your Github issues. By using a Lambda function that runs every bit on AWS, you can create a quick and dirty way of syncing Github issues to Google Sheets (and customizing to your whim), without paying for an expensive sync solution.

I have personally found Github to be a fantastic tool for managing my code and communication across my engineering team. But there’s a problem: in any organization, there are other stakeholders who need to be kept in the loop on development progress against deadlines.

There are plenty of options available for communicating our progress to other members of the organization, but I’m cheap. When I can let the operations team use their spreadsheet wizardry to create an infinite amount of dashboards from the Github data, and let the engineering team focus on engineering instead of reporting, why wouldn’t I just roll my own solution?

So I did! And it’s available on Github as a CloudFormation template so you can deploy your own version of it. I’ll show you how.

Provider lock-in warning!

You need an AWS account for this article. Unfortunately, I haven’t yet updated the code to be provider-agnostic (though am open to a handy pull-request).

Setting Up

For this tutorial, we’ll be setting up a Google Sheet to act as the destination for the Github data. Then, we’ll setup a Google service account for the Lambda function to use to add information to that sheet. Finally, we’ll deploy the CloudFormation template that sets up the resources that perform the syncing.

So let’s go ahead and create that sheet. Just head to Google Drive and make yourself a fancy new Google Sheet (no need to share it with anyone yet, don’t want to spoil the surprise). Once you’re in, you should probably go ahead and make a new sheet, and give it a creative name like “Github Issues.” You may want to protect it so no one can muck with your data.

Take note of the Spreadsheet ID inside the URL. Here’s where it is in the URL:

Keep that spreadsheet ID somewhere; we’ll need it for later.

Creating the Service Account

Start by heading to the Google Developers Console so we can setup your brand new project. You can create a new project by hitting the dropdown in the top-left corner of the screen (to the right of the “Google APIs” logo), and then click New Project inside that dropdown.

Give the project a fancy name, and then click Create. Then enable the Sheets API for your project, so in the sidebar to the left, under APIs & Services select Library, and then search for “Sheets” in the search field. Click on Google Sheets API and then click Enable.

Now that the Sheets API is enabled, we’ll need to create the service account. There are other methods of authentication, but this CloudFormation template only supports a service account since it’s the most secure method.

  1. At the left side of the screen, click Credentials.
  2. At the top of the page, click + Create Credentials, and then click Service Account.
  3. Give your service account a name, and take note of the Service Account ID it’s been automatically assigned (you’ll need this email address in a bit).
  4. Click the Create button.
  5. You should now be on the “Service account permissions (optional)” page. We won’t be needing this feature for our project, so you can just hit Continue to skip this step.
  6. Now we’re on the final step, and at the bottom of the screen you should see a section titled Create key (optional). Inside that section, click the + Create Key button.
  7. Make sure the JSON type is selected, and then click Create.
  8. A file should have been downloaded to your computer, make sure not to lose it!

Okay, so now we’ve got ourselves a fancy service account and support for the Sheets API enabled on our project. Time to invite our service account user to the spreadsheet and allow them to edit.

Back inside your spreadsheet, share with that Service Account ID you wrote down in step 3, and make sure to grant it edit permissions on the sheet (otherwise it won’t really be useful!).

If you protected your sheets earlier to make sure no one fiddles with your data, you’ll need to also make sure the Service Account is allowed to edit the sheets you have protected.

Finally, let’s take note of what we’ll need from the service account in order to configure the CloudFormation template. The template calls for the client email (this is the same email you invited to the spreadsheet so we’ve got that), and the private key. This is inside that JSON file you downloaded, so let’s open it up. It’ll look something like this:

  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "github-sync-project",
  "private_key_id": "some-random-string",
  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-privatekeystuffhere=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",  "client_email": "[email protected]",
  "client_id": "1111111111111111111",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "token_uri": "",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
  "client_x509_cert_url": ""

We’re interested in the piece in the private_key field. Keep that somewhere safe, we’ll need it later.

Create your Github authorization token

This part is a little more simple! Go to Github, login with your account, and then head to your account settings. Toward the bottom of the sidebar, hit Developer settings, and then in the next page, hit Personal access tokens.

At the top of the page, hit Generate new token. You might be asked to enter your password again, so just do what the Github overlords have requested. Now you’re on a screen asking you to set the scopes of the token, and give it a name, great! Give it a very creative name, something like github-sheets-sync, and then select the repo scope (that’s the only one we need).

Then click Generate token at the bottom of the page, and copy your newly-generated token. Store that in your safe-keeping for this project.

Deploy the Stack

Then, click here to launch the stack. You can also review the options over at the Github repository.

Once you click that link, you’ll be taken to the AWS Console where you might be asked to verify your credentials. Once you login, you’ll be taken to the “Create Stack” screen inside CloudFormation. All of the stuff in the first step is filled out nicely for you, so just go ahead and hit Next at the bottom.

Give your stack a creative name! Our very creative example is github-sheets-sync, see if you can come up with something better.

Now for the parameters. Let’s start with the most important ones, and then we’ll move into customizing the rest if your heart desires. Get out your Github token that you generated in the last section, and put that in the GithubToken field.

Then, paste the email address you copied from the service account section into the GoogleClientEmail field. Now take the private key you copied, wrap it in quotes, and put it in the GooglePrivateKey field. The result should look something like this: "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nabddfd..."

Quotes are important! It’s pretty important that you add the quotes, so we can make sure Amazon doesn’t fiddle with our private key. If you don’t include the quotes, the whole thing is pretty much guaranteed to not work.

Inside the SpreadsheetId field, paste the spreadsheet ID you copied way back at the very beginning of this article. Inside the SheetName field, type in the name of the sheet you want the Github issues to be inserted into.

Finally, inside the Repository field, type in the name of the repository you want to sync, in the format of owner/repository

You’ll need to deploy the stack multiple times to sync multiple repositories. I know, I’ll get around to it. If you want to do my work for me, you can submit a PR!


If you’re an eager beaver and want to jump straight into syncing your fancy issues, feel free to skip over this part. By default, the stack syncs all issues with the “reporting” label, and syncs both open and closed issues. It also syncs every 30 minutes, Monday - Friday, during reasonable(ish) daytime hours.

If you want to change the cron specification for how often to sync, update the UpdateSchedule field. This field accepts a CloudWatch ScheduleExpression, so if you wanted to sync every hour, 24/7, you would put in something like this: rate(1 hour)

If you only want to sync open issues, just change State from “OPEN,CLOSED” to just “OPEN”

If you want to sync with a label other than “reporting,” just update the Labels field.

Finish and Test

Once you’re done making all of your customizations, hit the Next button at the bottom. Nothing is really relevant to us on the next screen, so just hit Next again. Then scroll wayyyy to the bottom, check all of the checkboxes inside the blue box (this is just to make sure you know what you’re doing, and that this stack assigns some permissions to itself to be able to run, etc). Then hit Create Stack.

Then you’re taken to your stack screen, so now you get to watch and hope the cogs at AWS are turning! Wait until the stack is created, and then we’re done. At this point, you could just wait your 30 minutes or whatever time interval you’ve configured and check the Google Sheet to make sure the issues are synced, but if you’re impatient and want to test manually, keep going.

Head over to Lambda using the Services dropdown at the top. Find the Lambda function our fancy stack just created. It should be called something like github-sheets-sync-xxxx. Give it a click.

At the top-right corner of the page, there is a dropdown and a button called Test. Click on the dropdown, and then click Configure test events. Make sure Create new test event is selected toward the top of the screen, and then fill out something creatively random for the Event name field. For our creatively random name, we chose “test.” No need to pay attention to the Event template field, it has no use for us.

Click Create at the bottom of the dialog, and then hit that Test button. A panel will pop up saying your magical function is currently running, and then should hopefully turn green. Then check your spreadsheet, and your issues should be there!

If you run into some issues, head back to the CloudFormation service and check the values you entered inside the stack to make sure they’re correct. Otherwise, check the issue queue and see if someone else has had the same problem.

You’ve done it!

The Lambda function you’ve deployed will continue to run during business hours (you can update the configuration inside the AWS console), syncing your Github issues with the Google sheet. Hand that over to your ops team and go get yourself a much-needed celebratory snack.

This was last updated on May 13, 2020

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Sam Marks

Sam Marks is a developer, designer, and entrepreneur. He’s worked on several teams (and started a few!), helping to bring ideas to life through code and pixels. He lives with his fiancé in Kentucky.

Sam Marks

Developer and Designer from Lexington, KY

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