Slack notifications from AWS Amplify deployments

What’s the point?

Slack notifications for AWS Amplify deployments are incredibly useful for informing the rest of your team when new updates go out to your applications, or for informing your development team whenever a deployment fails. Setting up simple Slack notifications is easy with Lambda, SNS, and AWS Amplify.

Just show me the code. Check out this gist for the Lambda function source code.

AWS Amplify is a wonderful solution for deploying web applications quickly (as long as you watch those bandwidth charges). Unfortunately, the only solution they have for notifications at the moment is email-based, and the information sent through that email is less than lovely to look at. Let’s fix that!

At Collabra, we use Slack notifications to report on the current status of deployments so the entire team is aware whenever something new goes out to staging or production, or the engineering team is aware of when something fails to deploy. Since Slack makes it incredibly easy to get going with automatic notifications through webhooks, I thought that would be the perfect target for our Amplify notification Lambda.

Setting up email notifications

To start, we’re going to need to setup some email notifications.

But why? We’re trying to get rid of email notifications.

AWS Amplify actually uses SNS behind-the-scenes whenever setting up email notifications. Once you enable the feature for an email address, it just creates a new SNS topic on your account and subscribes that email address to it. Conveniently, we can also subscribe Lambda functions to that same SNS topic and remove the original email subscription later.

To start, go to the Amplify console inside AWS and select the project you want to get notifications for. In the menu at the left, click the Notifications option. At the right, click Manage Notifications, and then click the Add Email button. Type in some random email address (it probably should be one you own), and then select a branch to get notifications for. Alternatively, you can get notifications for all branches and then show the branch inside your Slack message (we’re not covering that here though).

Hit the Save button at the bottom, and then if you go to the SNS console you should see your fancy new topic. It’ll look something like amplify_[some random string]_[branch]. Go ahead and click into that, and remove your email subscription, unless you want to keep it for debugging purposes.

Setting up Lambda

Now that we’ve got our new SNS topic setup, let’s start setting up our Lambda function to ingest these notifications and send them to Slack. Head over to Lambda, and create a new function (using the scratch blueprint), and give it any creative name you fancy. Make sure you’re using Node as the runtime (in my case, I’m using Node 12). Once you’re satisfied, click the Create function button.

Once you create your function, you’ll be taken to the edit page for it. Scroll down to the function code, and it should look something like this:

exports.handler = async (event) => {
    // TODO implement
    const response = {
        statusCode: 200,
        body: JSON.stringify('Hello from Lambda!'),
    return response;

We’re going to keep that basic shell, and add our beautiful logic inside it. This Lambda function needs to accomplish a few basic things:

  • Get the incoming message from SNS
  • Parse that incoming message to determine the current status of the deployment
  • Prepare the message to send to Slack
  • Send the message

Let’s start by getting the incoming message from SNS (it’s buried pretty deeply in the event):

exports.handler = async (event) => {
	const sns = event.Records[0].Sns.Message}

That’s it! Amplify passes the message in as a simple string, not encoded in JSON or anything.

If you would like to see more information on how the SNS event is structured, you can check out Amazon’s documentation here.

Now that we’ve got the message, let’s see if we can get the current status of the deployment from it. AWS Amplify messages have something like the following structure:

Build notification from the AWS Amplify Console for app: [link to app]. Your build status is [SUCCEED | FAILED | STARTED]. Go to [link to app] to view details on your build.

Easily parseable! We’re basically just looking for that “Your build status is X” string inside the message. Let’s write some code inside our Lambda function to try and guess the current status and form the Slack message based on that status.

exports.handler = async (event) => {
	const sns = event.Records[0].Sns.Message

	let message = ''	if (sns.includes('build status is FAILED')) {		message = 'Release to My Fun Company **production** failed.'	} else if (sns.includes('build status is SUCCEED')) {		message = 'Release to My Fun Company **production** succeeded.'	} else if (sns.includes('build status is STARTED')) {		message = 'Release to My Fun Company **production** has started...'	}}

And there we have it! Now we’re generating the proper message based on what AWS Amplify is telling us, and just leaving message blank if they send us something weird (which shouldn’t happen).

But just sending a message is boring. Let’s add some color!

exports.handler = async (event) => {
	const sns = event.Records[0].Sns.Message

	let message = ''
  let color = ''	if (sns.includes('build status is FAILED')) {
		message = 'Release to My Fun Company **production** failed.'
		color = '#E52E59'	} else if (sns.includes('build status is SUCCEED')) {
		message = 'Release to My Fun Company **production** succeeded.'
		color = '#21E27C'	} else if (sns.includes('build status is STARTED')) {
		message = 'Release to My Fun Company **production** has started...'
		color = '#3788DD'	}

Ah, that is going to look so much better, and it’ll allow for team members to get the current status through a quick glance instead of having to read the entire message.

Now that we’ve got our message and our color, we need to do something with them! Before dealing with actually sending the message to Slack, let’s get it setup in a quick JSON object according to their documentation.

Attachments have been labeled “legacy.”

At the time of writing this post, Slack has started to label attachments in messages as “legacy” and is encouraging users to switch to their new Blocks formatting. The message itself still works, but you may want to take on the task of modifying the code to use their new Block formatting if you so desire.

	} else if (sns.includes('build status is STARTED')) {
		message = 'Release to My Fun Company **production** has started...'
		color = '#3788DD'	}

	const data = JSON.stringify({		attachments: [			{				'mrkdwn_in': ['text'],				fallback: message,				color,				text: message			}		]	})}

Now we’ve got a nice simple Slack message ready to send to their API. We specify the message text, the color of the message, and then the fallback text (to be displayed on push notifications, for example). We also have to make sure to pass the uniquely-named mrkdwn_in flag to tell Slack we’re going to be passing Markdown-formatted text in our message.

For our last bit of code, let’s send our message with Slack. Make sure to add the https require at the top of the Lambda function:

const https = require('https')
exports.handler = async (event) => {

And then add the code to actually send the request:

	const data = JSON.stringify({
		attachments: [
				'mrkdwn_in': ['text'],
				fallback: message,
				text: message

	return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {		// Prepare the request.		const request = https.request(process.env.WEBHOOK_URL, {			method: 'POST',			headers: {				// Specify the content-type as JSON and pass the length headers.				'Content-Type': 'application/json',				'Content-Length': data.length,			}		}, (res) => {			// Once the response comes back, resolve the Promise.			res.on('end', () => resolve())		})		// Write the data we generated from above and end the request.		request.write(data)		request.end()	})}

And there it is! Let’s walk through the steps:

  • First, we create a new promise to return from our Lambda function. AWS will respond to this and finish the Lambda function whenever the promise resolves.
  • Next, we setup the request with the proper Content-Type and Content-Length headers.
  • We use the callback from the https.request method to register our callback to resolve the promise whenever the response comes back.
  • We write our data that contains the Slack message.
  • Finally, we end the request to actually send it to Slack.

You may have noticed we’re using a WEBHOOK_URL environment variable. That’ll be our Slack webhook URL, and we still need to configure that in order to get this Lambda function working. I decided to include it in the environment variables instead of hard-coding it directly in the Lambda function because a webhook URL is sensitive information, so we wouldn’t want to include it in plain text.

Configuring the Lambda function

Now we’ve got a (hopefully) working Lambda function! Let’s setup our webhook with Slack and configure that WEBHOOK_URL environment variable to get the whole thing working.

Follow this guide from the Slack documentation to setup your Slack webhook URL. If that doesn’t do the trick, setting up a webhook URL is also a quick Google away as that topic has been covered countless times.

Once you’ve got your Slack app setup, find your webhook URL. It should look something like this:[random-characters]

Copy that to your clipboard, and then go back to the Lambda console inside AWS where you were editing your code. Underneath the code editor, there is a section called Environment Variables. Click Manage Environment Variables inside that section, and then add a new environment variable. Call it WEBHOOK_URL and then paste in the webhook URL you copied earlier as the value. Finally, click Save at the bottom of the screen.

Now that we’ve got Slack connected, let’s connect the Lambda function to SNS so that it can receive messages. Back on the Lambda configuration page, head to the top of the screen underneath the Designer section. To the left, there should be a button called Add trigger. Click that, and then select SNS as the trigger.

After that’s selected, you should be prompted to enter an SNS topic. Inside that box, just type “amplify” and your SNS topic should show up in the list. Alternatively, you can just copy the name of the SNS topic from the SNS console (where you deleted your email subscription) and paste that in here as well.

Once you select the topic, click the Add button.

Testing and Wrap-up

Alright, now we’ve got a Lambda function with some code to send a notification to Slack, as well as a SNS topic configured with AWS Amplify to receive notifications and send those to Lambda. Let’s make sure it works!

AWS allows you to test Lambda functions directly inside the Lambda interface by providing some payload that matches what you would be getting from SNS. So let’s test our Lambda function to make sure it works.

Back on the Lambda configuration page inside the AWS console, click the Select a test event dropdown at the top-right corner. Then click Configure test events. You should see a box on the screen with contents that look something like this:

  "key1": "value1",
  "key2": "value2",
  "key3": "value3"

Let’s clear that out, as that’s not of any use to us. We can replace that with the sample SUCCESS event I’ve included below:

  "Records": [
      "EventSource": "aws:sns",
      "EventVersion": "1.0",
      "EventSubscriptionArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:{{{accountId}}}:ExampleTopic",
      "Sns": {
        "Type": "Notification",
        "MessageId": "95df01b4-ee98-5cb9-9903-4c221d41eb5e",
        "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:123456789012:ExampleTopic",
        "Subject": "example subject",
        "Message": "blah blah Your build status is SUCCEED. Go to",        "Timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
        "SignatureVersion": "1",
        "Signature": "EXAMPLE",
        "SigningCertUrl": "EXAMPLE",
        "UnsubscribeUrl": "EXAMPLE",
        "MessageAttributes": {
          "Test": {
            "Type": "String",
            "Value": "TestString"
          "TestBinary": {
            "Type": "Binary",
            "Value": "TestBinary"

You can basically ignore most of this JSON as it’s a bunch of fluff that AWS sends with SNS messages (just in case you need it). The only part we’re really concerned about is the highlighted line, that contains a little test snippet from AWS Amplify that we’re checking against inside our code.

Once that’s in there, give your test event a name inside the Event name field, and then click Create in the bottom-right corner. Once your test event is created, click the Test button in the top-right corner of the page.

You should see a blue box pop up at the top of the page with a spinner, and then hopefully a green success box! Head to your Slack, and you should also see a success notification.

You’ve done it!

Congratulations, you have a working AWS Amplify → Slack notification system. Hopefully one day this will be obsolete as AWS will add their own Slack integration, but until then, this will work just fine. Feel free to tweak the code and customize the Slack message to suit your needs as well.

This was last updated on July 20, 2020

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Sam Marks

Sam Marks is a developer, designer, and entrepreneur. He’s worked on several teams (and started a few!), helping to bring ideas to life through code and pixels. He lives with his fiancé in Kentucky.

Sam Marks

Developer and Designer from Lexington, KY

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